A modern marketplace for the sophisticated investor.
Portfolio Manager
Manage your strategy, not clients.
Paperwork, long sales cycles, tear sheet tinkering, SaaS log-ins is tedious. Addigence stays on top of the busy work, you stay on top of the markets.
Qualified Client
Invest on your own terms.
You didn't get here by embracing lock-up periods, endless emails, circling back, outdated PDFs, terms, conditions, and uncertainty.

Investing in a hedge fund should be as efficient as you are.
Institutional investor
A set of diverse, skilled, and extraordinary emerging managers at your fingertips.
Coming in Fall 2024.
Addigence for Portfolio Managers
Enabling the next generation of great portfolio managers.
Addigence for Qualified Client
Enabling qualified clients with secure and transparent investment strategies.
Addigence for Institutional investor
Addigence is the partner you can trust.
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